Kambeo Hubs - Coming Summer 2022
Nonprofit Online Auction Platform

Raise more money for your nonprofit

Create your online auction with ease and be live in minutes!

Made for nonprofits like yours

Bidding optimized

Allow people to bid anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Safe and secure

Funds are deposited into your bank account daily.

Quick set up

Step-by-step instructions guide you along the way.

Modern design

Clean, modern, and beautifully designed auction pages.

edit item descriptions & pricing fast

Auction unlimited items

Quickly add, duplicate, and display any number of items in your online auction.

Online Auctions

Make each item shine and sell

Customize products with images, highlight donors, allow buy now options, highlight retail prices, and set incremental bid minimums.

"Our Kambeo experience has been exceptional! The entire Kambeo team has stepped up to make our transition simple. I’d recommend this platform to any non-profit organization."
Renata Cvitkovic
Regional Manager, Ontario, MADD Canada
Get more people bidding

Maximize bidding with leaderboards, & outbid notifications

Receive more bids and automate bid management with Kambeo’s optimization features. 

Simplify payments

Easily manage auction winners

Manage winning orders and automate issuing tax receipts. 

Join the amazing nonprofits on Kambeo

Send us a message!

Work smarter with all the tools, data, and analytics in one place

Collect Donations
Build a donation page for your organization to accept, manage and track donations.
Host An Event
Sell tickets, highlight sponsors, schedule event volunteers, and organize attendee check-in.
Sell Merchandise
Create a virtual ecommerce storefront. Manage inventory, track sales, and issue tax receipts.
Manage Volunteers
Recruit, manage, schedule, track and verify hours, and communicate with your supporters.
Boost fundraising
Focus-driven fundraising using crowdfund campaigns, peer-to-peer pages, and third-party events.
Unify Your CRM
Steward relations with donors, fundraisers, volunteers, sponsors, customers, and event attendees.

Learn how the platform can support your specific needs

See how you can build a company culture focused on social impact.

  • Create and maintain an environment where everyone feels valued, respected and fully engaged

  • Empower employees to help causes most meaningful to them

  • Demonstrate your commitment to positive social change in a verified and transparent way

Get A $50 Visa Gift Card With Your Demo

Our Story

Kambeo started out as an idea to help connect volunteers with the organizations that needed them. Kambeo Co-founder & CPO, Chris McIntosh set out to make a platform that was as easy for the organization to use as it was for the individual.

“Kambeo is about making change. By making it easier through the web, we’re simplifying how you can give back. Any small amount of change is change. Kambeo makes it easier to donate, to volunteer, to create your own charitable campaign. Our goal at Kambeo is to help grow social change both within our company and throughout the world.”

The idea was always to help those who were looking to help others. Providing volunteer software was the first step in making that idea become a reality. Today, Kambeo serves as a platform to amplify and support the changemakers and the organizations doing good every single day by providing them the tools to build a better world.

Our Mission

Change the way people change the world.

At Kambeo our mission drives everything we do. From how we build our products to how we interact with one another on a day-to-day basis. The mission is the ‘why’ we do what we do.

Our Vision

Our vision is to connect cause, community, and commerce to accelerate and amplify the good being done in our communities and around the world. We will look to accomplish this by bringing together nonprofits, schools, businesses, and the people who support them within a single platform.