Kambeo Hubs - Coming Summer 2022

Fundraising Platform for Nonprofits

Multiple fundraising options with built-in donor database and stewardship tools.


Drag and Drop Design

Drive More Participation

Secure Payment Processing

Built-In CRM Solution

Run a peer-to-peer social fundraiser

Turn your best supporters into effective fundraisers on your behalf with personal fundraising pages to support your cause. Easily share your page with friends & family to drive awareness and support.  Use the network of your supporters to engage a larger audience.

Easily organize crowdfunding campaigns

Create custom pages for giving days, seasonal email appeals, program funding, projects, donation matching, and capital campaign fundraising with everything you need.

Try out third-party fundraising

Attract even more supporters who are passionate about your cause and want to fundraise on your behalf.

Keep track of all reporting in one place

A full suite of back-end features to track records, analyze results, automate tax receipting, and steward supporters.

Join 100's of Nonprofits Fundraising & Stewarding Donors on Kambeo


Here are some common questions the community is asking.

Kambeo lets you create and manage a number of different fundraisers including: Crowdfunding, Peer-to-peer fundraiser, Online auctions, and live stream fundraising to name a few.

Peer-to-peer fundraising enables your donors and supporters to raise funds on your nonprofit’s behalf by setting up individual or team campaign pages. They’ll promote these pages to their own networks of friends, family, and colleagues to raise money for your nonprofit.

Absolutely. Kambeo integrates with Twitch, which allows us to live stream gaming events. y\You can use your Twitch account to host Livestreams & eSports tournaments with ease. We have taken our integration to the next level and embedded it directly into your peer-to-peer fundraisers as well. Easily drop a live stream on to any event, or enable your fundraisers to live stream as well when they set up fundraising pages.

Crowdfunding pages are perfect for targeted appeals. Crowdfunding pages are custom branded pages that tells a story and inspires donations for a cause or initiative.

There are no monthly platform fees!

Depending on the transaction type,  a small processing fee may be charged. View pricing details here.

Ready to join the community?

Learn how the platform can support your specific needs

See how you can build a company culture focused on social impact.

  • Create and maintain an environment where everyone feels valued, respected and fully engaged

  • Empower employees to help causes most meaningful to them

  • Demonstrate your commitment to positive social change in a verified and transparent way

Get A $50 Visa Gift Card With Your Demo

Our Story

Kambeo started out as an idea to help connect volunteers with the organizations that needed them. Kambeo Co-founder & CPO, Chris McIntosh set out to make a platform that was as easy for the organization to use as it was for the individual.

“Kambeo is about making change. By making it easier through the web, we’re simplifying how you can give back. Any small amount of change is change. Kambeo makes it easier to donate, to volunteer, to create your own charitable campaign. Our goal at Kambeo is to help grow social change both within our company and throughout the world.”

The idea was always to help those who were looking to help others. Providing volunteer software was the first step in making that idea become a reality. Today, Kambeo serves as a platform to amplify and support the changemakers and the organizations doing good every single day by providing them the tools to build a better world.

Our Mission

Change the way people change the world.

At Kambeo our mission drives everything we do. From how we build our products to how we interact with one another on a day-to-day basis. The mission is the ‘why’ we do what we do.

Our Vision

Our vision is to connect cause, community, and commerce to accelerate and amplify the good being done in our communities and around the world. We will look to accomplish this by bringing together nonprofits, schools, businesses, and the people who support them within a single platform.