Kambeo Hubs - Coming Summer 2022

Corporate Donations

Corporate Donation Programs Made Easy

Make one-time or recurring donations to causes aligned with your organization’s and employees’ values.  

Offer Donation Matching

Measure Donations

Make Secure Payments

Build Charitable Connections

Donation Matching

Engage Employees
With Donation Matching

Set ratios, matching limits, and maximum & minimum donation limits. 100% of donations go directly towards the causes that your employees support. 

Track The Evolution
of Your Donations

A unified metrics dashboard provides your organization with insights on your donation total, along with the number of contributors and recipients to date.   

Receive Automated
Tax Receipts

With every donation you make to a registered charity, a tax receipt will be automatically provided for your bookkeeping records. 

Build Relationships
With Nonprofits

Communicate regularly with the causes you support. Get to know the charitable project or program you are aiding with your donation. 


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